The average house price on INTERCITY WAY is £1,507,112
The most expensive house in the street is BEST WAY CASH & CARRY LTD INTERCITY WAY with an estimated value of £1,918,412
The cheapest house in the street is UNIT 1 KINGSMARK COURT INTERCITY WAY with an estimated value of £1,095,813
The house which was most recently sold was BEST WAY CASH & CARRY LTD INTERCITY WAY, this sold on 28 Jul 2021 for £1,656,985
The postcodes for INTERCITY WAY are LS13 4LQ, LS13 4PN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
BEST WAY CASH & CARRY LTD INTERCITY WAY £1,918,412 £1,656,985 28 Jul 2021
UNIT 1 KINGSMARK COURT INTERCITY WAY £1,095,813 £810,000 5 May 2016